Say Cheese!

food, Svara

Last week I made some of this cashew cheese:

Of course, having a block of “cheese” in the house means I had to make pizza!  So Svara and I mixed and kneaded some pizza dough (whole wheat of course!) and she had her own personal pizza for lunch.  She usually loves putting the sauce and “cheese” on her pizza by herself, but this time she was so busy trying to eat the cheese faster than I could put it on the pizza that I had to do it myself.  Here she is posing with her finished pizza:

And thoroughly enjoying every bite!

And I just had to include this shot:

She ended up eating every single bite of that pizza.  Yay Svara!

Svara is still a pretty choosy eater, but some days she surprises me by eating things that are not part of her usual repetoire.  The other night we had spaghetti.  She loves noodles, but is not so keen on spaghetti sauce.  This time I included lots of veggies in the sauce including spinach!  When it was finished I blended it all up, so it was nice and smooth.  She still didn’t want any.


I put it on her plate anyway and told her it was like ketchup.  I said it was spaghetti sauce ketchup.  So she started dipping her lettuce in it.  And she realized it was good!  She ended up having it mixed with her noodles too, and she ate quite a lot.  Yay!

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